Join Watsons' Brand Hero Programme Now
Fastest Growing Affiliate Programme in Asia Operated byoptimise logoSign Up as a Brand Hero
Affiliate Programme
Our large global network of publishers get some of the best commissions and support in the affiliate marketing world. Our dedicated publisher teams, make it easy to get set up and quickly start profiting from their online traffic. They also get to promote some of the biggest brands and most popular products in the world.
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Why Join Now?
High Commission
If your goal is to earn money from your online traffic or followers, this programme will allow you to do just that. We make it easy to get started, and easy to track your sales and commissions. We also make sure you always get paid on time.
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Amazing Brand Offers
On a daily basis, our Affiliate Network promotes brands to millions of new customers who are in-market and eager to shop. This is why global & regional giants like Watsons decide to choose Optimise as their Affiliate Network.
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Amazing Brand Offers
On a daily basis, our Affiliate Network promotes brands to millions of new customers who are in-market and eager to shop. This is why global & regional giants like Watsons decide to choose Optimise as their Affiliate Network.
Simple & Intuitive Sharing Tools
Unbeatable publisher toolbox with all the creative and technical tools you need to make your promotions fly across desktop and mobile. Including product and voucher feeds, mobile apps, and APIs, Link Automations & Social Sharing Tool, and loads more.
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Performance Analytics
Our award-winning technology can track users across different platforms, channels and even countries. Even if customers hop between devices, you'll never lose commission through unattributed sales. The more sales Watsons marks down to you, the more likely they are to invest on you in the future.
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Performance Analytics
Our award-winning technology can track users across different platforms, channels and even countries. Even if customers hop between devices, you'll never lose commission through unattributed sales. The more sales Watsons marks down to you, the more likely they are to invest on you in the future.
Grab & Post Watsons Ad / Link in your Social Media Accounts
User clicks on the Watsons Ad or Link and gets redirected to Watsons Web or App
User purchases within 30 days with order completely paid
Watsons validates and pays conversions, commissions earned
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