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Integrating Optimise Media affiliate with We Can Track
Integrating Optimise Media affiliate with We Can Track
Integrating Optimise Media affiliate conversion data in Google Analytics, Google Ads and Microsoft Ads with We Can Track.
What is We Can Track? We Can Track is a data tracking, processing, attribution and integration software that helps affiliate publishers to better understand the performance of their websites, content and campaigns. Its system automatically attributes affiliate conversion data to traffic data and then integrates that data in tools such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Facebook Ads & Pixel, Data Studio, BigQuery and more.
How can publishers benefit from using We Can Track? Once We Can Track is fully implemented, publishers will gain insights regarding their session, click and conversion performance of traffic sources, campaigns, websites, landing pages, click pages, network accounts, advertisers and other dimensions. This helps publishers to make data driven decisions regarding the allocation of costs and time and will enable them to scale up well performing campaigns. In order to successfully run paid ad campaigns it is essential to know which campaigns, ads, keywords or audiences generate conversions and whether they actually generate profits. With the help of We Can Track, proper campaign management will be easier than ever since the integrated data in the ad networks will make it obvious what adjustments need to be made. On top of that, having conversion data in Google Ads, Facebook and Microsoft Ads, will allow the users to make use of their Machine Learning capabilities to automatically improve the campaigns’ performance.
How do publishers set up We Can Track? The installation of We Can Track is done with four simple steps:
  1. Create a We Can Track account
  2. Connect your affiliate network accounts, e.g. your Optimise Media account - Additional information regarding the Optimise Media can be found here: https://wecantrack.com/optimise-media-integration/
  3. Connect your websites via We Can Track’s WordPress plugin or JavaScript tag
  4. Activate the integration features you would like to make use of
And that was it! We Can Track will automatically place SubID (UID) parameters with unique click IDs in the publisher’s affiliate links in order to be able to trace your conversion data back to your traffic data and will then integrate the conversion data in the tools they use use.